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Welcome to EI Baseball Academy


What We Do

We offer multiple programs for baseball and softball players, including teams, lessons, and strength and conditioning for all student athletes.

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Strength & Conditioning

Ryan Vaught Memorial Performance Centers

We offer comprehensive strength and conditioning programs for all student athletes, not just baseball players.  These programs include personalized evaluations by our certified athletic trainers & programs at one of our two indoor locations or on-line.

Available Programs:

-Personal training for individual student athletes

-Group Training for teams from middle school to college

-Small Group Training

Contact us for more information

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Our Schedule

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Our Programs

High School Level Teams

Strength & Conditioning

Personal Training and Team Training available

Baseball Training & Coaches Clinics

HS Program

Dates to Remember

Webinar: Have questions about the college process?

March 30th, 7-8pm on Zoom (registration info on flyer on our home page)

Passing Thought...

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

All of the coaches at EI remain committed to the cornerstone of our program: Faith or Spirit, Family, School and then Baseball. We look forward to our continued efforts to engrain those values in the young men we are so privileged to coach.

Have a great week and stay safe,

Coach Len